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Mama Shape (E) I Hanne Mogensen
31.03.2019 @ 15:45 - 17:15

For mamas and mamas-to-be (all trimesters, with an uncomplicated pregnancy) and their kids. With a playful combination of Yoga, Barre and Aerobic this class will never be dull. We will keep you inspired and always give you options so YOUR body and YOUR needs are met. Expect to laugh, sweat, grow stronger, release tension, and learn both relaxing and energizing techniques.
Hanne Mogensen (founder of FlowFabrik and mom of two) is an educated yoga teacher and barre trainer. She is a movement nerd who knows how to move safely.

Yonamo wurde von Martine Barro initiiert. Die erfahrene Yoga-Lehrerin praktiziert und unterichtet mit Begeisterung und Herzblut Yoga. Egal ob Meditation, Pranayama, Hatha-Übungen, fliessende Vinyasa-Elemente oder philosophische Aspekte vom Yoga – in ihren Sessions ist für Jeden etwas dabei.